NotaBene provides the platform and training to support structured thinking and delivery

Training Program on ST&D (Workshops and Online)

Our workshops focus on providing practical training and coaching on effective communication in today's fast-paced business environment. By utilizing AI and advanced language models like ChatGPT, we aim to help individuals and organizations generate high-quality content and structure it in an effective manner that helps with developing more impactful recommendations.

NotaBene Platform

The NotaBebe platform and a process that can be customized to fit the needs of your organization. Our NotaBene Single Minded Message (SMM) framework helps organizations structure their content in a way that is easily understood by their target audience. Our platform also includes tools for generating, editing.

1:1 coaching

Effective communication and persuasion are essential skills for any executives looking to advance. NotaBene coaching help teams improve communication skills, generate high-quality content, and be more successful in achieving their goals.

Integrations with AI tools

Training incorporates ChatGPT features to help our clients become learn new skills  in how to become better communicators, and provide them with a wealth of new ideas and insights to quickly build effective and impactful communications 


NotaBene LLC

ph +1 415 320 2368

Office location: San Francisco and Copenhagen

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